We have 5 lb peeled, cored and sliced apples in the freezer now, and I don't know how much more to go. Maybe we dealt with a third or so. I'd like to dehydrate some, and maybe use some fresh for baking if it's not too hot out. I wouldn't mind canning some apple sauce, but I'm not sure it's the right apple because when I did a small test batch, I realized that a LOT of sugar has to be added to take the edge of the tartness.
The yellow plums are going to be ripe any day and we're not sure what to do with those yet. We'll eat as many fresh as we can and give some away, but I'm sure there will be more than we can eat. Any ideas?
Did you pay your hand model in pies?
make plum/apple sauce!
Have you thought of using honey rather than sugar to sweeten your apple sauce?
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