Otherwise things are a little quiet around here at the moment. The beets and carrots are still in the ground, and the tomatoes are ripening. The broccoli is shooting out little florets from the sides of the plants where I've already harvested the crowns, and the third planting of lettuce continues to give us as much salad greens as we want.
The zucchini continues to rot as soon as it gets about six inches long. Matt though the problem was that they were not getting pollinated, but someone else told me today that it might be that the flower that's still stuck on the end is causing the rot and suggested I pluck off the flowers. Well I tried that today and we'll see how it goes.
Oh, and I dumped out the big coffee sack of red chieftain potatoes and only got about 2.5 lb. (The picture above is from May 31) Perhaps I was too early in harvesting, but I wanted some new potatoes and it was difficult to pick out just a few. The bag ripped and dumped dirt all over the patio, so I just dumped it all into a wheelbarrow (well, shoveled it because the bag disintegrated). Oh and these potatoes are the most creamy and delicious I have ever tasted. Definitely growing them again next year, although maybe I will do some in the ground too if I can find a sunny spot.
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