Sunday, September 19, 2010

September has been cool and rainy and we have these mushrooms growing all around and in the vegetable garden. Nevertheless I planted fall veggies and we'll see what happens. Cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower. I have a feeling I planted them too late and without a nice hot September to give them a kick start, they may not mature. Who knows, but it's all part of the experiment.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! By the looks of that photo, you might be getting a crop you didn't count on. It's a bit hard to tell, but if those are mushrooms growing out of your bark mulch, and if they are the sort that start out sort of shaggy, roundish and elongated and fairly quickly melt into inky goo...then you're probably growing inky caps (also called shaggy manes) and they're edible. Which might add to the overall value of your garden! What excitement!

Anonymous said...

i just realized my description of shaggy manes/inky caps sucked. A lot. Try googling them and looking at pictures.

Courtney said...

Oh that is exciting! Thanks Sheena. I think the mushrooms are the inky caps. But wow I sure don't want to take any chances! I need to enlist a mushroomer for a site visit. Next time you guys are over here...

Brianna said...

We mushroom! I can bring over our books (and maybe even the expert, Mike) whenever I visit.